Ten Ways to Be Perfect


God's people were free!  They were free from slavery and oppression in Egypt.  They were free to follow God's pillar toward the land promised to Abraham.  They were free to... well, complain...

Even though they had seen God do amazing and miraculous things to free them, the Israelites did not seem to trust God.  They complained, "Where will we get food?"  "Where will we get water?"  "Why can't we have meat?"  They questioned Moses' leadership.  Behind it all was one big question: does God really love us?  

Just like the Israelites, we complain and question God sometimes.  Behind it is often the question, does God really love me?  But the Bible shows us that God has a never stopping, never giving up, unbreaking, always and forever love for His people.  When we feel like complaining instead of following, we can remind ourselves that God loved us so much that He sent His only Son so that those who believe in Him could have everlasting life!


God had done amazing things for His people, but God's people still weren't happy.  The people thought they knew best about what the best life looked like, but God knew that there was no such thing as happiness without Him!

       Watch Today's Lesson:         Ten Ways to Be Perfect

God's way is best.

Read the Story for Yourself!

Exodus 20

Take a sec to read the story directly from God's Word!  You can find it in Exodus 20. 

A great way to read it is in the International Children's BIble (ICB) translation.  It's a simple and accurate Bible translation designed for kids.  Adults, like me, like it too!

Click here to read Exodus 20 in the ICB on Bible Gateway.

Click here to buy the same ICB Prayer Bible that I use to prep for lessons!


Extra Time

God gave His people a way that was best for them.  But they kept deciding that their own way was better!

Verse for the Week

Exodus 20:3

"You shall have no other gods before me."

Sample Prayer

Father God, your way is best.  Help me to believe that.  Thank you for sending someone, Jesus, to be perfect in my place.                                                                                                                                                       Amen.

Review Activity

Click the button below to access the review activity for this week's lesson.  It might be a good idea to print this out and complete it mid-week to help remember the lesson!

God's way is best!

In our lesson today, God gave His people rules to live by.  He showed them how to be His special people!  And the people said, "Yes, we can do it!"

But they were wrong.  They could not do it.  They could not live up to this way that was best for them.  Something was wrong deep inside their hearts: something called sin.  The rules could not save God's people; only God could save them.

Many years later, Jesus came with a gospel (which means "good announcement" or "good news").  He told people to "Repent and believe", because He had come to save.  In His death, burial, and resurrection, Jesus took the punishment for sin.  And He sent the Holy Spirit to make it possible to live a whole new way of life.

This gospel spread all over the world, because it is good news for me and you!

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