The Teeny-Weenie True King


God's people had made it into the Promised Land!  God had won their battles through the warrior leader Joshua.  Joshua showed the courage to follow God's ways, even when it was not easy.

But, after Joshua died, the people stopped following God.  Everyone did what was right in their own eyes.  This led to all sorts of bad things.  So, God allowed other nations to conquer Israel.  They cried out to God to set them free.  And He did, through someone called a judge.  After the judge died, the people would forget about God.  And then God would no longer fight their battles, so they got conquered again.  It was a cycle that kept on going until the final judge came along.  A man named Samuel.

Even though God's people turned away from God, God never stopped loving His people.  Their hearts just could not follow God's ways, no matter how hard they tried.  

So, God was preparing to send someone who never sinned to take their punishment.  He was going to send His own Son to show His never-stopping, never-giving-up, unbreaking, always-and forever love.


As Samuel got old, the people grumbled and complained.  They wanted a king like everyone else!

       Watch Today's Lesson:         The Teeny-Weenie True King

A greater King is coming.

Read the Story for Yourself!

1 Samuel 16

Take a sec to read the story directly from God's Word!  You can find it in 1 Samuel 16.

A great way to read it is in the International Children's BIble (ICB) translation.  It's a simple and accurate Bible translation designed for kids.  Adults, like me, like it too!

Click here to read 1 Samuel 16 in the ICB on Bible Gateway. 

Click here to buy the same ICB Prayer Bible that I use to prep for lessons!


Extra Time

Samuel anointed David to eventually be the new king.  But David would have to wait a while...

Verse for the Week

"I keep my eyes always on the Lord.  I will not be shaken."

Psalm 16:8 

Sample Prayer

Father God, thank you for sending the Good King, Jesus.  He is the King I need.  A King who died for me and rose again to offer me new life.                                                                                                                                   Amen.

Review Activity

Click the button below to access the review activity for this week's lesson.  It might be a good idea to print this out and complete it mid-week to help remember the lesson!

A greater King is coming! 

In our lesson today, the people wanted a king.  God gave them the type of king they wanted.  But he also prepared to give them the type of king they needed.

David was great and all.  But one of his children's children would be the ultimate Good King.  He would come to die for the sins of the world and rise again to beat our greatest enemies: sin and death.

The Good King offers you a place in His Kingdom.  A kingdom where you can experience God's never-stopping, never-giving-up, unfailing, always-and-forever love.  All you have to do is surrender.

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Point of Grace Church
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