Operation "No More Tears"


After Elisha died, the nation of Israel became worse and worse. Most people served fake gods. They treated each other horribly. They were not acting like God's people at all.

But God did not stop loving His people.  When His people turned away from the sin and toward God, He would forgive them.  He often saved them from the enemies who tried to destroy them.

Then, the people would turn against God again.  Sometimes, this was because a new king who didn't care about God came to the throne.  Other times, a king who seemed like he loved God drifted away from Him.

Still, God loved His people.  He continued to tell them about a great rescue plan that would solve the problem of sin forever.

God's great rescue plan had been in the works from the beginning of time.  It is the only way that you and I can be set free from our sin!  And, if we confess with our mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in our heart that God raised Him from the dead, we'll have a never-stopping, never-giving-up, unbreaking, always-and-forever love.


Elisha did many more miracles.  But soon his nation no longer existed!  What happened?  And would it happened to the southern kingdom as well?

            Watch Today's Lesson:              Operation "No More Tears"

God's rescuer will make everything right!

Read the Story for Yourself!

Isaiah 53

Take a sec to read the story directly from God's Word!  You can find it in Isaiah 53.

A great way to read it is in the International Children's BIble (ICB) translation.  It's a simple and accurate Bible translation designed for kids.  Adults, like me, like it too!

Click here to read Isaiah 53 in the ICB on Bible Gateway.

Click here to buy the same ICB Prayer Bible that I use to prep for lessons!


Extra Time

God shared some pretty crazy details about His rescue plan with Isaiah.

Verse for the Week

"The Lord has laid on him the sin of us all."

Isaiah 53:6

Sample Prayer

Father God, thank you for the great rescue plan. I need to be rescued, so I can know your forever love.  Give me more love for you every day, because of all you have done for me.


Review Activity

Click the button below to access the review activity for this week's lesson.  It might be a good idea to print this out and complete it mid-week to help remember the lesson!

God's rescuer will make everything right.

Many years later and long after Isaiah had died, the rescuer would come.  He would be just as Isaiah had said.  It didn't seem to make sense in Isaiah's time, but it all made sense when Jesus rose from the dead.

Jesus IS the forever King, the rescuer God had promised.  But the forever King did not come to be served  but to serve.  He gave His life for our sins.  He suffered, so that we could be forgiven.  He arose again to give us new life.

One day, Jesus will return.  He will wipe away every tear.  Death will die.  And God will make a new city where we can enjoy Him forever.

If you give your life over to Jesus, you can be rescued.  This rescue plan is good news for me and you! God's love is breaking through!

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